Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Film Lesson: "Schindler's List"

"Schindler's List", I must admit, has to be one of the most powerful movies I have ever watched. This movie shows the details of the Holocaust. Seeing the Nazis round up all Jews and taking them away to concentration camps. All of those Jews didn't have any idea if that same night or day that they were rounded up, would be the last time of their living. Jews who were not needed or disobeyed the Nazi orders were shot right on the spot they were. Others, such as little kids, old people and the disabled that couldn't work were sent to be either shot, gased, and burned. That is totally unfair. As for me, the powerful scene that got to me, I must say, was the part were the families were separeted from eachother and when the Nazis filled the vans of the useless people and the little kids, and were to be taken away. It really hurt me because those kids didn't have a future. They didn't know that that was the last time they will see their parents and older siblings. I can't image me being separeted from my family. They mean the world to me. Mostly all the images of pain and killing will stay with me. Why? because once I saw those poor, innocent people being killed and living hell, it's hard to forget those images and plus, I can imagine what it will be like if I lived it. The movie most powerful to me, I must say, was this movie. "Schindler's List". This film showed more details and actually got to me. It's not easy watching a movie of the history when you know you should be lucky that you are living in the present, or the future for them. They never knew that the day the were in the concentration camps, could've been the last day living.

Film Lesson: "Night and Fog"

"Night and Fog" is a documentary. I think My reaction to this documentary was shocking and upsetting because it was shocking and upsetting to see what happened to the Jews during the Holocaust and what the Jews had to live through. Probably felt like living hell in the Concentration Camps. The documentary also showed some pictures of how the Nazis killed the Jews. The documentary was not really as powerful as I though it will be. The movie "Schindler's list" was the most powerful because it actually shows more details as of what happened in the holocaust. The documentary mostly showed pictures and the people telling the story. As for the movie, it actually showed and shared the pain the poor, innocent Jews had to go through. It looked like livving hell. It also showed the way the Nazis treated them physically, the concentration camps, the trains...everything. In my opinion, the Hollywood film illustrates the Holocaust more effectively because as I said, it showed more details and I, myself, felt the pain and the suffering. This film got to me in so many ways.