Wednesday, April 28, 2010

African Independence

Africa has changed in only 20 years. In 1955, Africa was practically overthrown by the European nations. Libya, Egypt, Ethiopia, as well as South Africa were the only countries not taken over by the European nations. By the time of 1975, almost all the countries that were once ruled over, were free from European rule. Before all these countries gained their independence, Europeans marched in to take all the natural resources that Africa was naturally known for. Many of the Africans were angry that their own homeland was taken over. A few of the Africans didn't really mind the Europeans taking over because the Europeans gave them many new things and resources. They built hospitals, schools and other helpful places for the Africans. Eventually, the Africans grew tired and worked really hard to gain their independence. They succeeded very well too.

One of the most memorable leaders was Jomo Kenyatta. When the Europeans invaded his homeland, he realized how unfair they were treating his people. He also realized that they were trying to change their government into that of communism. He went to Europe to try to persuade them to give his people their well deserved freedom, and later on, became president of Kenya.

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